What I'd do:
Our education system in Ohio is something we should all be proud of. Students are our future, and making sure they have the best schools available to them is a must. Here is my plan for improving our public schools.
Stop the Nonsense Bills:
We need to stop overlegislating our teachers and classrooms. Our schools face too many issues to debate and complain about Dr. Seuss and To Kill a Mockingbird. Let's stop harmful legislation that will keep teachers from teaching and let them focus on what matters: their students.
Increase Teacher Pay:
If states like Arkansas can afford to raise minimum teacher pay to $50,000 a year annually, Ohio can do the same. The current starting salary of $35,000 is not enough and will not keep teachers and talent in Ohio. If we increase teacher pay, we can increase teacher retention rates, which will build culture and positive teacher-student relationships within our schools.
Keep Public Money Public:
We need to stop using taxpayer dollars to fund charter and private schools and use it to fund our public schools. Universal school vouchers for charter and private schools that aren’t held to the same standards are not helping our kids, they're hurting them. Let’s keep public money with public schools.
End Teaching to the Test:
Let’s stop making districts and teachers dependent on standardized tests to secure funding. “Teaching to the test” only takes away from our goals to educate students and ensure we’re not leaving kids behind. This method doesn’t allow for any specialized work, it just makes teachers go full steam ahead, even when kids are struggling. I support a more balanced and fair approach to school funding that will allow teachers to have more agency over their classrooms again.